If you have less than 5 years before reaching your pension eligible age and years, our pension consultant, Norman Rosenfeld can help you (presently, TA & Mabstoa pensions only). He can assist you with the process and answer your questions. Mr. Rosenfeld retired from NYCERS as a Deputy Director and now offers pension consulting for NYC government employees. Please contact Frank DeSimone at 917.859.6843. Upon validating at least 3 years of current TMBA membership, you will be given contact info to make an appointment for a free consultation (once every 12 months). If you need to have more than 1 consultation within a 12 month period, you will be responsible for the fee.

  • Tier 1 and 2 must file at least 30 days prior but no more than 90 days.
  • Tier 4 members can file no more than 90 days in advance and there is no minimum days prior to retirement date.
  • Retirement papers should be filed in person, get a date/time stamped copy from the NYCERS or MaBSTOA representative.
  • Although the Pension plan will pay 3X your salary if a member passes while active, once you pass age 60, the % is reduced, based on your age. The chart below lists the age at death while still active and the amount of benefit.

61   95% of benefit in force
62   90% of benefit in force
63   85% of benefit in force
64   80% of benefit in force
65   75% of benefit in force
66   70% of benefit in force
67   65% of benefit in force
68   60% of benefit in force
69   55% of benefit in force
70 or over 50% of benefit in force

Some plans offer a PRDF, Post-Retirement-Death Benefit.  This affords the beneficiary a payment if the member passes on while retired. See chart below as payments are based on the years since retirement date and what the 3X active death benefit would have been.

    In the first year of retirement: 50% of benefit in force before retirement.
    In the second year of retirement: 25% of benefit in force before retirement.
    In the third year of retirement and thereafter: 10% of benefit, if any, in force at age 60, or at the time of retirement, if you retired before reaching age 60.